Lake Murray Church
Saturday, February 22, 2025

What We Believe

We are affiliated with the Assemblies of God
Our purpose as a church is to be a source of encouragement and nurture for all people in the Christian faith.  We do this through fellowship together in Bible study, prayer, worship and service.  We admit that we are an imperfect instrument in the hands of a loving and caring God, but our desire is that we will grow to be more like Him.  As we grow and mature we will be more effective in reaching a lost and hurting world. 
The beliefs listed below are what we hold as the essential tenets of the historic Christian faith.  We adhere to these while allowing for secondary differences.  These differences might be various end-times scenarios, expressions of spiritual gifts and ways of explaining the sovereignty of God.
          • The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God           
          • God is one in Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit        
          • All of humanity is lost in sin                                       
          • Salvation through the atoning sacrifice of Christ        
          • The second coming of Christ